Month: September 2005

  • Well we signed a purchase agreement on a different van.   I am way freaked out about it, since it will be a little tight to fit the payment into our monthly budget.  But we really have no choice.   My hubby is driving a 13 year old GEO that has a loud clunking sound when you turn and I just junked our van for $125.00.   It is time for a new vehicle.  I just wish it could have waited a little longer as I still have a few payments on my truck.   Hopefully this van will last a long time!    I put so much into our last one before the engine seized.    So I am out a lot of money because of that.

    Today hubby will meet me at the bank to sign the loan papers and we will be proud owners of a 2002 Honda Odyssey.   It has pretty low miles so we hope it will last a long time to cart our children around. 

    We are still looking around for a good vehicle for Josh.    Have not been able to find one within his budget yet.  We will go to the owner to owner car lot this weekend and hopefully find something good for him. 

  • Cappydog - said that the Lord had a reason for my not so great day yesterday....well today is looking up.  Thanks Lord!    I sold our van for $125.00 for salvage.  My parents are helping Josh out with a car.   And best of all, while shopping around on the internet for Josh's car, I found a good deal on a van for us.    We were preapproved for a loan last month, but couldn't find a van we wanted.   We have two to look at tonight!    I think the Lord helped me stumble upon the right deal for us.   Newer vehicles, within our loan amount!      I hope it all turns out.   I am always scared to take the leap and get into a loan for a vehicle, but this seems to be right for us.   Wish us luck!

  • Living Room Before.....

    Living Room After.....

    I am still getting used to it....


  • It is a new day.....and things are ok.   I found a person who will buy the van for $125.00 so I will not be out any money for the diagnostic at the garage, which is $110.00.   We have started looking for a new economy car for Josh.   My parents, bless them, are going to help Josh out with a no interest loan to purchase a vehicle.  I don't know what we would do with out them.  Had a long discussion with Josh last night about work and junk.  He needs to go to Old Navy ask for more hours.   He seems to have other things he rather be doing with his time, which I don't agree with!  He will not be driving my truck to cart his girlfriend around.   Her parents are going to have to start doing that. 

    My truck needs to go in this morning to be repaired.  So after I drop off Erik for school detention and take Tommy to preschool I will drop it off at the dealership and walking home. 

    Josh didn't do his dishes last night, hubby said he told him twice.  

  • Can I call it a day yet???  Argh...not a good Monday that is for sure.  They called from Polar Chev and said the van's engine has seized and they can't even start it manually.   It will be junked and I still have to pay for the diagnostic testing they did. ARGH!  The junk dealer said he would give me $50.00 for it.  I am not a happy person.  So now I have to figure out how to pay for a third vehicle as Josh needs something to get to work when we are gone.   I hate having to buy a vehicle when you are in dire need of one!  

    And the good news of  the day is I weighed in and I lost 1.4 pounds this week.  YEAH...bad news.....weight watchers and the county attorneys where I work are disagreeing with the contract and there will be a disruption on the Weight Watchers At Work Series here. now I have to find a center to go to until the contract issues are resolved.   Not so happy about that.  

    This day has to get better.....really!

  • Hey did this weekend fly!   I can't believe it is over already.  I did get my accent wall all painted.  Tomorrow I will hang the pictures back up and take my after picture to share with you.  It is a little darker than I thought, but it is growing on me.   I will paint the other walls next month I think.  I have to spread the cost out a bit.   But I have picked out the cream color for the other walls, which is 1/2 the battle.  My neighbor helped me with this!  She had a great eye for color. 

    I also finally cleaned up the toy area downstairs so Tommy can play.  I need to get rid of 1/2 of the toys.   I will have to get to that eventually.   In the next few weeks I am working on decluttering the living room and his toys in there!  I can't wait until he is bigger and we get our living room back, instead of it being a toy room.  

    The scalloped potatoes were very good.  My niece Kristen was over and ate with us as well.   My other niece Chelsea also came over and she and Erik worked on homework since we needed to borrow her math book.  Erik forgot to bring his home and thought he was done with the homework, which he wasn't.  

    I hope I am able to sleep tonight, though I am doubtful on that since I am not tired now.  Argh.....well tonight if I am up I will do some laundry I guess and read some more.  Time to head to bed with Tommy for a bit.  Hope everyone had a great weekend!  

  • I am up from my nap.....I really needed that!   I have one coat of paint to do to my accent wall.   I am not sure I like it or not....hmmm....time will tell.  I put some Scalloped Potatoes and Ham in the oven so when I am done paint supper should be ready!!


    I really don't have a recipe for this, but should get it written down.  

    Peel enough potatoes to fill 1/2 of a 9 x 13 cake pan.  Mix about 2 cups of chopped ham with the potatoes.  I usually cut one onion and mix in as well.

    Mix two cans cream soups (mushroom, celery or chicken) and milk in nearly equal amount to the soup (slightly less).   I just add about 1-1/2 soup cans of milk. Mix together soup, milk and 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese.

    Sprinkle salt and pepper on the potatoes.   Pour Liquid over the potatoes and ham. 

    Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour to 1-1/2 hours until potatoes are tender


  • Up again in the middle of the night....ARGH......I finished my re decorating of my blog.  I added the coordinating buttons and stuff to the left module.    I finished adding the last of my recipes I have tried in the last couple of weeks to my website.







  • The night is coming to a close...YEAH.....Tommy is in the tub.   I just got done cutting his hair.  He is still young enough that I can cut his hair at home and he doesn't mind.  I always take the older boys to Great Clips or somewhere.   But I just can't see spending money to get Tom's hair cut.  

    I am going to wash dishes and then we are heading to bed after we have a snack.    Tommy is asking to watch our wedding video, so we will curl up in bed and watch Mommy and Daddy get married again. 

     Hope everyone had a great day! 

  • Well looks like the bug has hit me....I am changing colors everywhere.  First I update my blog decor, now I am painting my accent wall in the living room.   I only have the tinted primer up for far, but tomorrow I will paint the red.   It is pretty dark, I hope it turns out ok.   I still haven't figured out what color to paint the other walls....I went back to Home depot and got a million more paint samples.  

    I will post before and after pics tomorrow.  Well I need to clean up my painting supplies and get supper going for the family.   Have a great day!